Programs for Citizens of the KR

American Councils for International Education ACTR/ACCELS has been working in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1993. We provide opportunities for professional development and academic/cultural exchange. In the Kyrgyz Republic, we administer the following programs:
Future Leaders Exchange Program (FLEX) – provides scholarships to secondary school students to live in an American host family and study in an American high school for one academic year. FLEX is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State.

Open World – provides opportunities for Kyrgyz leaders in different spheres to go on short-term specialized exchanges in the United States. Open World is funded by the Library of Congress, under the United States Congress.

U.S. Central Asian Education Foundation (U.S. - CAEF) – provides scholarships, international internships and professional development exchanges for students and faculty in the Business and Economics faculties of AUCA (Kyrgyz Republic) and KIMEP (Kazakhstan).